1/8th scale RC cars are a popular choice for beginner and intermediate RC enthusiasts. They offer great performance and value and can be raced on most tracks without issue. In this blog post, we will discuss how big is a 1/8 scale RC car are, how to choose the right one, and some of the things you need to know before you get started.
What Does 1/8 Scale Mean for RC Cars
The 1/8 scale is simply a proportional measurement of an RC car in relation to its full-size counterpart. In other words, if an RC car is 1/8 scale, then it is 1/8 the size of the real thing.
For eg. If 1/8 of an inch equals 1 foot, then the actual car will be 8 feet long.
Typically, 1/18, 1/14, 1/12, 1/10, and 1/8 are the popular RC car scales. The larger the car the more detailed it can be. 1/18 scale cars are the smallest and 1/12 scale cars are some of the largest RC cars you can buy. 1/8 scale is one of the most popular because it is a happy medium between cost, detail, and size. 1/6 scale cars are great for experienced RC car enthusiasts who want the most detailed and largest cars possible.
Is the 1/8 Scale Bigger Than the 1/10?
The answer to this question is yes, 1/8 scale cars are bigger than 1/10 scale cars.
An easy way to understand RC Car sizes is to compare the denominator of the scales. Larger the denominator, the smaller the car.
In general, the larger the number after the slash (i.e. the number 10 in 1/10th) corresponds to a smaller RC car. So, yes – 1/10th scale cars are generally smaller than 1/8th scale cars which are smaller than 1/6th scale cars, and so on.
By this logic, the 1/8 Scale is bigger than 1/10. This means that a 1/8 car can have more detail and be slightly larger than 1/10 scale RC cars.
Read our post about how big is a 1/10 scale RC car if you are looking to learn more about 1/10 scale RC cars.
How Big Is a 1/8 Scale RC Car?
To give you an idea, a standard RC car is about one-eighth the size of a real car. So, if you take a look at a real car and divide it into eight equal parts, that’s about the size of an RC car. Of course, there are smaller and larger RC cars out there, but most fall within this range.
Typically, the dimensions of a standard RC car are:
- Length: 20 – 23 inches
- Width: 15 – 18 inches
- Height: 7 – 10 inches
Here are the dimensions of a few popular RC cars:
ARRMA KRATON: 23.39 x 18.15 x 7.68 inches
Redcat Racing Landslide XTE Electric Monster Truck: 20 x 15 x 10 inches
HPI 160095 1/8 Savage: 23.03 x 17.51 x 10 inches
As you see, most dimensions fall between 20 and 23 inches for length, 15 and 18 inches for width, and around seven to ten inches for height. So, if you’re looking at an RC car and it falls within these dimensions, chances are it’s a standard-sized car. Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, but this should give you a general idea of what to expect.
How Fast Is a 1/8 Scale RC Car?
Almost every RC vehicle on the market does not follow scale speed rules. If RC vehicles all followed the scale speed conversion, most would go very very slow.
So, the answer you are probably looking at is follows:
Hobby grade 1/8 scale RC trucks can reach speeds between 45-65 miles per hour.
Hobby grade 1/8 scale RC cars can reach speeds over 100 miles per hour, but most will go between 55 and 75 miles per hour.
1/8 scale toy RC cars and trucks that use brushed motors will go between 20 and 35 miles per hour.
To give you an idea of how fast some popular RC cars are, here are a few examples:
- The Traxxas XO-01 has a top speed of 100+ mph
- The Arrma Infraction has a top speed of 85 mph (reports of top speed going to 96mph)
- The Losi 8IGHT Buggy has a top speed of around 60 mph
What Is Scale Speed for RC Cars?
A scale speed is a rate at which an RC vehicle moves in comparison to a real-life counterpart. A 1:8 scale RC, for example, would go about 1/8th the speed of the real-life vehicle it’s meant to represent.
Scale speed is one of the most important factors to consider when purchasing a radio-controlled (RC) car. The speed is often determined by the size of the RC car, with larger cars being able to travel faster.
For example, if a standard-sized car can travel up to 100 miles per hour. But RC cars do not typically follow scale speeds. If they did a 1/8 RC car can reach speeds of 10 – 15 miles per hour. I’m sure there are scale speed RC cars out there, but most people do not want that type of experience. Many drivers want to race or bash. Even Some rock crawlers can get up there in speed.
However, RC Car speeds are subjective and depend on a number of factors, such as the type of RC car, the terrain it’s being driven on, and whether or not it has been modified. If you want to learn how to make your rc car faster, check out our post on this topic.
When it comes to choosing an RC car, it’s important to consider what you’ll be using it for. If you’re looking for a fast-paced racing experience, then you’ll want to choose an RC car with a high top speed. However, if you’re more interested in exploring off-road terrain, then an RC cralwer with slower speeds but more torque might be a better option.
As you can see, there is quite a range in terms of top speed. It really just depends on the make and model of the car.
One thing to keep in mind is that scale speed is not always accurate. Just because an RC car is advertised as having a certain top speed, doesn’t mean it will always reach that speed. There are a number of factors that can affect an RC car’s performance, such as the type of batteries used, the quality of the motor, and even the weight of the car.
So, if you’re looking for a fast RC car, it’s essential to do your research to find one that will suit your needs.

How Big Are 1/8 Scale RC Cars?
About how big are 1/8 scale RC cars and trucks?
What Is Scale Speed in RC cars?
How big are 1/8 scale RC cars Conclusion
In general, a 1/8 scale RC car is going to be around 20 inches long and 15 inches wide. The height will vary depending on the model, but it’s generally going to be around ten inches tall.
Now that you know how big a scale RC car is, you can start thinking about which size might be right for you. If you’re looking for something easy to transport and store, a smaller car might be the way to go. On the other hand, if you’re looking for something more realistic and closer to the size of a real car, then a larger scale might be what you’re after.
Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which size is right for you. Just keep in mind that the bigger the car, the more expensive it’s going to be.